Saturday, 20 January 2007

Proclamation over North Korea

Proclamation of ‘2007 Year of Prayer for North Korea ’

We give God all the honour and praise that the Great Revival which broke out on 14th January 1907 in Pyongyang was the greatest demonstration of God’s powerful plan of salvation for the Korean Peninsula .

As we mark this centenary day of the outbreak of the 1907 Pyongyang Great Revival, we desire to see love, freedom and peace restored in Korea . We thus proclaim 2007 as a Year of Prayer for North Korea and call the global Church and Christians worldwide to join the South Korean Church in actively praying for North Korea this year.

A hundred years ago God started the flames of repentance and revival in Pyongyang Jang Dae Hyun Church , but His work did not stop there. As the miracles of the revival spread from Pyongyang across the Korean Peninsula , Pyongyang became known throughout the worldwide Church as ‘The Jerusalem of the East’.

We are aware, however, that in this day North Korea is in a time of deep suffering; that her people face great hardship and that many have died as a result. We mourn with those who mourn and are deeply concerned for the welfare of the North Korean people.

In light of the current situation, we call on all churches and Christians around the world to pray urgently for North Korea during 2007. We urge for fervent prayer for an end to the deprivations and sufferings, and for the day to come when the love of God and the blessing of salvation breaks out once again throughout the nation and touches the lives of the people of North Korea .

Furthermore, the South Korean Church lays before God the pain caused by the division of Korea and proclaims the week of 25th June, the anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, as the ‘Global Week of Prayer for North Korea’.

We hereby call on denominations and ministries around the world to promote the ‘2007 Year of Prayer for North Korea ’. We urge for intercession to be rallied for 2007 to be the year in which walls of darkness fall in North Korea , crosses are restored in every corner of the land and a historical tide of repentance and revival breaks out and brings peace to Korea and beyond.

The centenary day of the outbreak of the 1907 Pyongyang Great Revival
14 January 2007

President Rev. Park Jong Soon
Executive Secretary Rev. Choi Hee Boum

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) is the representative Christian alliance in South Korea made up of 61 denominations and 21 Christian agencies (

We ask you to kindly publicise this proclamation as widely as possible amongst denominations, agencies, churches, media outlets and individuals all over the world.

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