Cornerstone Asia - pray for the Tsangla
We continue with a special feature on prayer for the eastern Himalayan Tsangla. About 250,000 Tsangla live in Bhutan, Aunacahl Pradesh in India and Tibet. FEBC Christian radio are broadcasting in the Tsangla language and the Jesus film has now been translated also. Like many Tibetan Buddhists, their belief practices are are superficial level over older Shamanistic and Polytheistic rituals. In attributing all disease to demons, the Tsangla believe they must appease angry demons by sacrificing often quite valuable animals. They also believe that humans may, in some cases, be demons. Such individuals,and those who marry them, are 'demon families' and must intermarry only with one another.
Father, bring your hope and freedom to the Tsangla - the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work (I John 3:8) - liberate these dear people in your compassion and mercy, as you did for that Canaanite child tormented by evil spirits, during your ministry on earth (Matthew 15:21-28).
(Source: Peoples of the Buddhist World P.Hattaway, Piquant Editions,