Sunday 22 February 2009

Whom am I walking over?

I just found a great blogger - Jamie Chang -who has written to companies to find out where they make their products.

I visited Cotswold Outdoor at Newnham Court Shopping Village on Friday. Looking around I found the shoes and clothes and many other items were, by and large, made in Vietnam or Cambodia or China or Phillipines or Thailand. A few things were manufactured in Spain - very few.

It was at that point I checked my own (Clarks) shoes - to realise they were manufactured in Cambodia.

Ironically as I left the shop, nearby is another retail outlet called 'Sweatshop'. A sad reminder of the realities of many workers in South East Asia.

Check out Jamie's blog and his letters to Clarks - I think I might try the same - where does what I wear, what I eat, what I consume today come from - who's life was broken, which child sweated to produce the shoes I walk in this day?

Lord have mercy on me and those who dressed me, shod my feet rather than went to school this week.