Friday, 23 March 2007

Flags in High Places

Many are familiar with the Tibetan Buddhist practice of putting prayer flags at significant sites. This is not just a quaint local custom, but is part and parcel of Buddhist and indeed pre-Buddhist religious activity:


Not only so, but there is a clear promotion of this belief system into western culture - not only through political activist involvement but through seemingly innocent websites for children!

The Bible talks also of banners - in fact three references in Isaiah talk of them being set up on high places (Isaiah 13:2, 18:3 and 30:17). We must realise however the thinking behind prayer flags in this aspect of Tibetan culture - and not least the source of power invoked is very different as explains in detail.

As Christian believers, who love the Tibetan people and desire to see them experience God's eternal salvation, how might we respond? What does the bible say about God as 'The Lord our Banner' (Jehovah Nissi)? In Exodus 17 we read that Moses '..built an altar and called it the Lord our Banner' after the defeat of the Amalekites.

The key in this battle was it seems a significant but simple act. The lifting up of the hands of Moses at Rephidim (meaning Rest) over the battle. The battle is decribed in the imperfect tense when it talks about the fighting - ie. it was a repeated action. They seemed to be winning, Moses hands tired, they seemed to be losing, Moses got his hands up again, the battle turned, and so on.

Bearing in mind we are not talking about 10 minutes or half an hour, but clearly hours of fighting, it's hardly surprising an elderly man would get worn out keeping his arms in the air!
So Aaron and Hur came alongside and Moses was supported: he was given a seat and they held up his arms on either side.

So what has this to do with banners and flags? There seems a clear indication that a battle standard in future warfare (take a film like The Patriot (Emmerich,2000) for example) has the role of rallying, encouraging re-grouping, often weary fighters, back to the cause.

Banners are a symbol of rallying, caling together:

He lifts up a banner for the distant nations (Isaiah 5: 26)
In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him and his place of rest will be glorious (Isaiah 11:10)

They also have a place in victory and God's overshadowing protection:

We will shout for joy when you are victorious, we will lift up our banners in the name of our God (Psalm 20:5a)
His banner over me is love (Song of Songs 2:4)

Lastly, they help to identify who we are:
The Israelites are to set up their tents by divisions, each man in his own camp under his own standard (Numbers 1:52)

A Prayer:
Lord raise up a banner to the peoples of Tibet, let it be seen in the high places, let it be unfurled against every demonic spirit that binds. The Tibetan ethnic groups are seeking for a salvation that can only be found in you.

Set your banner of them - your covering protection a lover to your beloved, spread your garment over them to include them in your people as Boaz did for Ruth at harvest-time.

Lift up the hands of those who have been travailing, battling and contending for these peoples despite the setbacks. Draw alongside them those who will take over when they weary, support them and encourage them.

We lift up a banner now over the Tibetan peoples and fly the flag of the kingdom over Tibet.

(Homework suggestion: If you have a banner and a map of Tibet, worship the Lord and plant your feet prophetically on that part of the map. Use some of the scriptures above - or others that God gives you - proclaiming 'the Lord is my banner' and 'the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples').

All quotations from NIV (1984).

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Why Pray for Tibet - here is one good reason

Reproduced from Catherine Brown's website

Catherine is a widely recognised prophet in the body of Christ and contributes to postings on the Elijah List


I received this vision in the year 2000. This morning (21 October 2002) I was sent an article about Tibet with a subsequent call to united prayer for the pulling down of Bhuddist strongholds in all the earth and was prompted by the Holy Spirit to review this word and post it for global prayer at this time. The article I was sent is posted at the foot of this prophetic word. I believe it is critical that the church prays fervently and in faith over these next forty eight hours for the salvation of Tibet and Mongolia.

Whilst in prayer for Tibet and Mongolia some time ago, I was caught up into the heavenly realms and the Lord revealed the following images:- A false god with many arms had been raised up in the high places. The idol looked like a 13th century Thai art representation of Buddha, with strongly arched brows, aquiline nose and delicately carved lips. Suddenly seraphim appeared flying in the air, each with six wings. They were coloured as copper and bronze and they glowed with the glory of God. They came and broke off the arms of the false god. A thunderbolt from heaven struck the head of the false god and it was severed from its body and fell to the ground.

Many people had gathered in front of the idol to worship and pray each had a prayer mat with them. When the head was severed from the body of the idol, those who were praying were caught up and ensnared in a huge mat and their screams resonated in the air. Their spiritual eyes had been opened to the reality of the judgement of God upon idolatry and worship of false gods. ‘Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth – to every nation, tribe language and people. He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgement has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.’ Rev 14:6,7. I was moved to cry out to the Lord, ‘Surely, some will be saved?’

The Lord answered, ‘Yes, child, now look upon the mystery of My salvation’ and I watched as the Lord descended as the Ancient of Days from the heavens. He was arrayed in Light and in His hands he held a scroll. He pointed the scroll at the mountain as it was opened and His sovereign plan of salvation began to be outworked. On the mountain was a magnificent white horse (representing the conquest and victory of Christ Rev 19:11) and it was engaged in battle with a white unicorn (representing the spirit of enchantment over Tibet). The unicorn was slain by the sword that came out of the Lord’s mouth (Rev 19:15).

At this point multitudes began running into the Lord’s embrace. They disappeared into the belly of God and became one with Christ Jesus. The Lord smiled at me and said, ‘This great harvest of souls from among the Tibetans and the Mongolians, from those blinded by Hinduism and Bhuddism, these are part of my inheritance and I shall not be complete without them. I commission my Bride to pray for these souls, that they might run into the shelter of their Saviour.’

The scene on the mountain depicts a displacement of power in the heavenly realms, as the Lord’s sovereign plan of salvation for every tribe and every nation (Rev 7:9) is released through prayer and fasting. The vision portrays a paradigm shift in the heavens through strategic corporate prayer. It portrays the absolute supremacy of Christ over all (Col 1:15-20).

I am reminded of the fall of Dagon as I write this vision down and believe it is relevant to this word. Dagon was a false god, worshipped by the Phillistines.

‘After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then they carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon. When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord! They took Dagon and put him back in his place. But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained.’ 1 Sam 5:1-4
‘The Lord’s hand was heavy upon the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation upon them and afflicted them with tumours.’ 1 Sam 5:6

The church must rise up in prayer, worship and fasting to break the bondage of Bhuddism in the earth.


It is now 20th October, and the meeting of 8 – 10,000 Buddhists and head Lamas in Graz, Austria, is reaching a critical stage of releasing the demonic spirits into Europe through a Kalachakra Ritual.

The aim of the visits and Kalachakra rituals and the teachings upon it, are said to have been chosen by the Dalai Lama for the purpose of bringing awareness to the plight of the Tibetan people, and of the nation of Tibet, which was occupied by China in 1950, and is since then occupied territory.

For these p.r. purposes the Dalai Lama has chosen to expose more of the Tibetan Buddhist ritual arts because, it is explained, he believes that misunderstandings about Tibetan Buddhism and its rituals are more harmful than a partial lifting of the secrecy. The ritual arts are: sand mandala’s, butter sculptures, ritual chanting, music and dance.

The Kalachakra ritual is an initiation of and an offering by those who take part. This Dalai Lama performed it for the first time, since he was in exile, in 1953. Since then he has performed it numerous times, in India, in many cities in the US, in Australia.

A number of times special monks have constructed and dismantled sand mandala’s as a preparation for the culminating ritual by the Dalai Lama himself. According to Simson, also in Europe more than 20 sand mandala’s have been constructed and dismantled, sometimes by monks, sometimes by the Dalai Lama.

The ritual that is planned for Graz is meant to be the biggest ever. The tantric aim is to release “an everlasting stream of continuity” (demonic spirits is our understanding) upon the partakers, onlookers, and, of course, the peoples in Europe.

The information in and the challenge of this report is passed on, primarily with an eye on the performance of the Kalachakra ritual, in Graz, from 11-23 October 2002, However, the spiritual effect of the ritual is meant to be such, that also after the event is over, the challenge to Gods children to awake, to pray and to do spiritual warfare, will remain relevant and has increased.

Catherine Brown ( 21 October 2002